Welcome To Heartbreak | Kanye West | Supertesti.it

Welcome To Heartbreak

Testo Welcome To Heartbreak

(feat. Kid Cudi)

[Verse 1:]
My friend showed me pictures of his kids,
And all I could show him were pictures of my cribs.
He said his daughter got a brand-new report card,
And all I got was a brand-new sportscar.

And my head keeps spinning,
Can‘t stop having these visions,
I gotta keep with it.

[Verse 2:]
Dad cracked a joke, alle the kids laughed,
But I couldn‘t here him all the way in first-class.
Chased the good-life, all my life long,
Look back on my life, all my life gone,
Where did I go wrong?

And my head keeps spinning,
Can‘t stop having these visions,
I gotta keep with it.

I‘ve seen it, I‘ve seen it before.
I‘ve seen it, I‘ve seen it before.
I‘ve seen it, I‘ve seen it before.
I‘ve seen it, I‘ve seen it before.

[Verse 3:]
My god said she‘s getting married by the lake,
But I couldn‘t figure out who I‘d wanna take.
Bad enough that I showed up late,
I had to leave before they even cut the cake.
Welcome to heartbreak.

And my head keeps spinning,
Can‘t stop having these visions,
I gotta keep with it.

And I can- and I can‘t stop.
No, no, I can‘t stop.
No, no, no, no I can‘t stop.
No, no, no, no I can‘t stop.

I can‘t stop.
Can‘t stop.
Can‘t stop.

No, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.
I can‘t stop.

... spinning,
Can‘t stop having these visions,
I gotta keep with it

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